



KIMITAKE expresses the miracle of birth, encounters between people,

and new emotions born from them, along with Japanese tradition.

No one can live alone.

Through interactions and mutual support, trust, friendship, and love are born, forming bonds.

This is the unique culture of Japan that cherishes harmony between people,

known as "wa no kokoro" (the spirit of harmony).

KIMITAKE infuses this tradition and contemporary flair,

offering life's beauty and joy with products that are the most elegant and the most exceptional.

Our Symbol

Everything KIMITAKE does is rooted in human connection,
which is why every piece of jewelry we make is crafted to incorporate our original HC design.
This unique symbol expresses the links and bonds between people, something that
we at KIMITAKE treasure above all else.

Elegance from Japanese Tradition

Elegance from Japanese Tradition

KIMITAKE's deep respect for Japanese tradition and culture is reflected in every aspect of our work,
from each piece of jewelry to our packaging.

Works created through inherited techniques have formed the precious identity of Japanese culture.

While traditional crafts have been on the decline over time,
we aim to share the traditional techniques
and beauty with the world and preserve them for future generations.

As one of the world's oldest traditions,
we firmly believe that Japanese traditional crafts possess the ability to produce new forms of elegance
and luxury that transcend countries and time.

At KIMITAKE, we are committed to our creative endeavors in a sustainable way,
which harmoniously blends tradition and culture with contemporary flair.

KIMITAKE Jewelry Designer
Kimio Fukutani

ジュエリーデザイナー ジュエリーデザイナー

Kimio Fukutani began designing jewelry while working for London jewelry brand THE GREAT FROG.
His work has garnered accolades at the A’ Design Award & Competition,
one of the world’ s top design competitions held in Italy each year.
In the 2022 competition, Fukutani was the only person in the world and the first Japanese to win the Platinum award in the Jewelry,
Eyewear and Watch Design Category.
Note: The A’ Design Award has been selected as one of the top ten jewelry awards in the world
Platinum A’ Design Award Winner Jewelry, Eyewear and Watch Design Category, 2001-2022

Platinum A’Design Award Winner in Jewelry,Eyewear and Watch Design Category,2001-2022.
